Implementing Network Traffic Monitoring on a CentOS 7 Server Using vnStat
Sure, here is how to install and set up `vnStat` for monitoring network traffic on a CentOS 7 server, in English:
1. Install the EPEL repository (if it is not already installed):
``` sudo yum install epel-release ```
2. Install `vnStat`:
``` sudo yum install vnstat ```
3. After `vnStat` is installed, you need to initialize the `vnStat` database. First, check the available network interfaces using `ip link` or `ifconfig`.
4. Then initialize the database for the interface of interest (for example, `eth0`):
``` sudo vnstat -u -i eth0 ```
5. Start the `vnStat` service:
``` sudo systemctl start vnstat sudo systemctl enable vnstat ```
Now you can check the traffic statistics using the `vnstat` command with no parameters. It will show you the day and month traffic statistics.
If you need a visual representation, you can use `vnStati` to generate statistics images. For example, the command `vnstati -vs -i eth0 -o ~/vnstat.png` will generate an overview statistics image for the `eth0` interface and save it to the `vnstat.png` file in your home directory.
Please note that `vnStat` and `vnStati` do not provide real-time monitoring. For real-time monitoring, you could use tools like `nload`, `iftop`, or `bmon`.